Malt Extract for Homebrewing
Northern Brewer carries a huge variety of malt extract for brewing nearly any style of beer you can imagine. Malt extracts come in a wide range of colors and formats from domestic pilsen light dried malt extract to imported dark malt syrups perfect for any stout.
Malt extract, simply put, is a sugar (liquid or dry) extracted and concentrated from malted grains using the standard all grain mashing process. Homebrewers can then use the concentrated malt extract on brew day skipping the mash step, and cutting hours out of the brewing process.
Dry Malt Extract | Liquid Malt Extract

Muntons DME Extra Light - Dry Malt Extract
Palest color English DME in the Munton line. Ferments very dry. Use for pale ale, English summer ale, and bitter.

Muntons DME Light - Dry Malt Extract
Light-colored English DME, a bit darker than Extra-Light. Use for pale ale, IPA, and bitter.

Muntons DME Wheat - Dry Malt Extract
English DME made with pale malt and wheat. Use for English summer ales, wheat beers, or to add body to low-gravity bitter and mild.

Muntons DME Amber - Dry Malt Extract
Amber colored English dry malt extract, ferments dry with a malty flavor. Good for Scottish ales, ESB, milds, and brown ales.

Muntons Dark DME - Dry Malt Extract
Muntons Dark DME 3 lbs. Deeply colored English dry malt extract, ferments dry with a malty flavor. Good for porters, stout, and brown ales.

Briess Organic Light DME - Dry Malt Extract
This is a certified organic 100% malted barley extract suitable as a base malt for any kind of beer. It is pale in color (2 - 6° L) with a malty fl...
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Briess Pilsen Light DME - Dry Malt Extract
Extremely pale dried malt extract made from base malt and Carapils. Malty flavor and light color make it ideal for any pale style. Unhopped, with a...
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Briess Golden Light DME - Dry Malt Extract
All-purpose base extract for any beer style. Malty flavor, slightly darker than Pilsen DME. Unhopped, with an SG yield of 43 points per gallon. App...
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Briess Bavarian Wheat DME - Dry Malt Extract
A blend of wheat and pale malt with a neutral, malty flavor - ideal for wheat beers, or as a body - and foam-enhancing addition to other styles. Un...
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Briess Sparkling Amber DME - Dry Malt Extract
A proprietary blend of base, Munich, and 60L crystal malts. Amber color and malty flavor with caramelly overtones. Unhopped, with an SG yeild of 43...
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Briess Traditional Dark DME - Dry Malt Extract
A proprietary blend of base, Munich, 60L crystal, and black malt. Intense flavor and dark color. Unhopped, with an SG yeild of 43 points per gallon...
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Briess Gold Malt Extract Syrup (LME)
Northern Brewer's Briess Golden Light Malt Extract Syrup is made from pale malt with a small amount of CaraPils, which results in a very light colo...
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Briess Pilsen (Light) Malt Extract Syrup (LME)
Northern Brewer's Briess Pilsen Malt Extract Syrup is a pale-colored malt syrup made from pilsner malt and Carapils. It provides an excellent base ...
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Briess Amber Malt Extract Syrup (LME)
Northern Brewer's Briess Sparkling Amber Malt Extract Syrup is composed of pale malt with caramel 60 for a grainy caramel sweetness and Munich malt...
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Briess Wheat Malt Extract Syrup (LME)
Perfect for both American and German styles of wheat beer, Northern Brewer's Briess Wheat Malt Extract Syrup is a blend of wheat malt (65%) and pal...
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Briess Dark Malt Extract Syrup (LME)
Northern Brewer's Briess Traditional Dark malt syrup is a blend of pale malt with some caramel 60, Munich, and black malt. It creates a dark wort w...
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Briess Munich Malt Extract Syrup (LME)
Northern Brewer's Briess Munich Malt Extract Syrup is a 50/50 blend of pale and Munich malts. It produces a red-amber wort with an exceptional dens...
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Briess Sorghum Extract Syrup (LME)
Made from 100% white sorghum grain, this gluten-free syrup provides proteins and amino acids necessary for yeast nutrition, head retention, and bod...
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Briess Organic Light Malt Syrup (LME)
This is a certified organic 100% malted barley extract suitable as a base malt for any kind of beer. It is pale in color (2 - 6° L) with a malty fl...
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Briess Pilsen (Light) Malt Extract Syrup - 32 lb Growler
Briess Pilsen Malt Extract Syrup is a pale-colored malt syrup made from pilsner malt and Carapils. It provides an excellent base for all pale beer ...
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Briess Gold Malt Extract Syrup - 32 lb Growler
Golden Light Malt Extract Syrup is made from pale malt with a small amount of CaraPils, which results in a very light color and excellent head rete...
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Briess Dark Malt Extract Syrup - 32 lb Growler
Northern Brewer's Briess Traditional Dark malt syrup is a blend of pale malt with some caramel 60, Munich, and black malt. It creates a dark wort w...
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Briess Amber Malt Extract Syrup - 32 lb Growler
Briess Sparkling Amber Malt Extract Syrup is composed of pale malt with caramel 60 for a grainy caramel sweetness and Munich malt for increased com...
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Briess Munich Malt Extract Syrup - 32 lb Growler
Briess Munich Malt Extract Syrup is a 50/50 blend of pale and Munich malts. It produces a red-amber wort with an exceptional dense chewy-malty flav...
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