Dawson's Kriek All Grain Beer Recipe Kit

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Price Per BOTTLE: $1.56
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Product details

Cherry-infused sour ale. A medium-bodied wheat beer with a reddish-brown color, cherry-pie aroma, and a tart, acidic bite that comes from a combination of real cherries (in puree form) and cultured bacteria.
This recipe, a sour Belgian-style ale, comes from the brewing log of NB Michael Dawson, homebrewer for 13 years and harborer of bacteria for probably a lot longer than that. The kit yields a medium-bodied wheat beer with a reddish-brown color, cherry-pie aroma, and a tart, acidic bite that comes from a combination of real cherries (in puree form) and cultured bacteria. While young, the sour character of this beer will be subdued and the cherries more pronounced, but sourness will increase with age.


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Additional information

SKU 1634
Beer Color Light
Original Gravity


Total Time to Make 12 months
Regional Style Belgian
Alcohol Content Medium
Yield 5 Gallons
Beer Style Sour Beers,Trappist/Belgian Ale
Fermentation Type Ale
Beer Recipe Kit Instructions Click here for recipe kit instructions

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews

Dawson's Kriek All Grain Beer Recipe Kit

Donald C.
Dawson's Kriek Cherry Sour

1st time I brewed this cherry sour it was the extract kit using the recommended yeast, it was on the threshold of "tart" even after many years in the cellar. 2nd time, 1/21/17 all grain, og = 1.052, used wlp 665 & 1/2 of wlp 677 in primary for 6 mos no fruit. 7/6/17 sg = 1.012, slight tart. 11/18/17 to sec w/fruit & last 1/2 of wlp 677. 2/1/18 take off fruit, tartness & sour perfect. Bottled today, 2/18/18, this brew is good to drink now, will age nicely for many years. Long time to brew but worth it. Next I'll do the 4 day step feed process to see how it compares to the long method.

High Funk, Light Sour

Here's some of my details as I have seen some questions posted on NB website and other sites regarding specifics:Brewed 12-27-2014 and I did miss a fair amount of my temps in my step mash but followed directions as closely as possible. My OG without cherry puree was 1.040 and FG without cherry puree was 1.006, roughly 4.5%. Primary fermentation 6.5 months, transferred onto both cans of cherry puree and fermented to completion an additional 6.5 months before bottling on 1-31-2016. I did re-yeast with 2g of US05 at bottling and recorded finishing gravity of 1.006 and targeted 3.5 vol CO2 which for my final volume (approx. 4.5 gal) was 180g corn sugar in 2 cups waterI opened 1 bottle approximately 1 month after bottling and it was a massive gusher. I wasn't sure if it was too much priming sugar or if the brett hadn't finished before bottling but luckily I used all heavy gauge bottles. I just opened bottle #2 7-2-2016 at it opened with a subtle hiss and no gushing. It smelled of all the classic brett characteristics with fruity cherry aroma as well. The flavor is classic brett funk and not a lot of lactic sour bite which I was really hoping for as I do like some abrasiveness to my sours. Brett definitely drives this beer and it is quite pleasant but would like more lactic sourness. If I did this one again I would do a clean, short primary, only pitch lacto for a LONG secondary (perhaps 8-12 months), then bottle condition with brett. I do really like this beer and the brett seems to have settled a bit from the first bottle andI am excited to see where this goes over the next however many years. I would give this 5 stars if it was more sour and less brett forward but still a fantastic experiment.

William S.
so far so good

Not too much to say. Brewed it on Oct. 20, had air lock activity from Oct. 21 until Nov. 5. Will leave in primary for at least 6 months before racking onto cherry puree. May start another one after I move it to secondary. Life is good. Thanks.

Sour Beer Heaven

As a sour beer fan, this did not disappoint. Better than Monk's at 6 months. I did 3 weeks in primary, 6 months in secondary on cherries. On bottling, it was already better than I had hoped. Can't wait to see where it goes. I will have to hide some from myself in order to make it last. I would highly recommend to sour fans, and plan to start batch #2 ASAP.

Dawson's Kriek All Grain Beer Recipe Kit

Dawson's Kriek All Grain Beer Recipe Kit

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews

Dawson's Kriek All Grain Beer Recipe Kit

Donald C.
Dawson's Kriek Cherry Sour

1st time I brewed this cherry sour it was the extract kit using the recommended yeast, it was on the threshold of "tart" even after many years in the cellar. 2nd time, 1/21/17 all grain, og = 1.052, used wlp 665 & 1/2 of wlp 677 in primary for 6 mos no fruit. 7/6/17 sg = 1.012, slight tart. 11/18/17 to sec w/fruit & last 1/2 of wlp 677. 2/1/18 take off fruit, tartness & sour perfect. Bottled today, 2/18/18, this brew is good to drink now, will age nicely for many years. Long time to brew but worth it. Next I'll do the 4 day step feed process to see how it compares to the long method.

High Funk, Light Sour

Here's some of my details as I have seen some questions posted on NB website and other sites regarding specifics:Brewed 12-27-2014 and I did miss a fair amount of my temps in my step mash but followed directions as closely as possible. My OG without cherry puree was 1.040 and FG without cherry puree was 1.006, roughly 4.5%. Primary fermentation 6.5 months, transferred onto both cans of cherry puree and fermented to completion an additional 6.5 months before bottling on 1-31-2016. I did re-yeast with 2g of US05 at bottling and recorded finishing gravity of 1.006 and targeted 3.5 vol CO2 which for my final volume (approx. 4.5 gal) was 180g corn sugar in 2 cups waterI opened 1 bottle approximately 1 month after bottling and it was a massive gusher. I wasn't sure if it was too much priming sugar or if the brett hadn't finished before bottling but luckily I used all heavy gauge bottles. I just opened bottle #2 7-2-2016 at it opened with a subtle hiss and no gushing. It smelled of all the classic brett characteristics with fruity cherry aroma as well. The flavor is classic brett funk and not a lot of lactic sour bite which I was really hoping for as I do like some abrasiveness to my sours. Brett definitely drives this beer and it is quite pleasant but would like more lactic sourness. If I did this one again I would do a clean, short primary, only pitch lacto for a LONG secondary (perhaps 8-12 months), then bottle condition with brett. I do really like this beer and the brett seems to have settled a bit from the first bottle andI am excited to see where this goes over the next however many years. I would give this 5 stars if it was more sour and less brett forward but still a fantastic experiment.

William S.
so far so good

Not too much to say. Brewed it on Oct. 20, had air lock activity from Oct. 21 until Nov. 5. Will leave in primary for at least 6 months before racking onto cherry puree. May start another one after I move it to secondary. Life is good. Thanks.

Sour Beer Heaven

As a sour beer fan, this did not disappoint. Better than Monk's at 6 months. I did 3 weeks in primary, 6 months in secondary on cherries. On bottling, it was already better than I had hoped. Can't wait to see where it goes. I will have to hide some from myself in order to make it last. I would highly recommend to sour fans, and plan to start batch #2 ASAP.