All-Grain Beer Brewing Recipe Kits

Our selection of all-grain beer recipe kits is Northern Brewer-tested, homebrewer-approved, award-winning, and suitable for intermediate to advanced brewers. Each all grain beer kit yields five gallons of liquid gold.

All grain kits use fresh malted grain as the base for the finished beer. All of our beer recipes are developed in house and scaled specifically for the home all-grain brewer.

In addition to familiarity with basic brewing techniques and the equipment for brewing with malt extract, you will need mashing and sparging equipment to brew these kits. This includes a Mash Tun, Hot Liquor Tank, and a brew kettle capable of holding a full volume wort boil (typically 8 gallons or more). These kits ARE NOT compatible with our standard Home Brew Kit.

Our All Grain Brewing Starter Kits are a great option for learning how to brew all grain. We also carry a range of Deluxe All Grain Kettle Systems for advanced options.

Each beer recipe kit includes base malt, hops, and your choice of liquid or dry yeast, plus instructions. Some kits include specialty grains, brewing sugars, fruit, or spices for additional color and flavor. Kit grains can be purchased crushed or, for those of you with your own grain mill, uncrushed.

Check out our Homebrewing 301: Brewing The All-Grain Way - Video Course for everything you need to know on all-grain homebrewing.

All-Grain Ale Kits | All-Grain Lager Kits

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