Kegging 102: Multiple Keg Draft Setup - Video Course

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An important thing to consider as you dive deeper into multiple keg draft setups is what we call “balancing your system” to make sure you’re serving at an appropriate pressure and not having the beer blast out of your tap! “Balanced” means that the serving pressure of a beverage is appropriate not only for the style or kind of beverage -- beer, wine, or seltzer -- but also the length of the serving line.

If you prefer more volumes of CO2 in your beverage and are carbonating at a higher psi, you may find the liquid comes out of your tap too quickly causing splashing, excessive foaming, and wasted beer. One simple solution as you increase your serving pressure, is to increase the length of your beverage line to slow down the flow into the glass. You might also need to make adjustments in serving temperature or pressure to make sure you don’t have overly foamy pours. We don’t go in-depth on balancing your draft system in Kegging 102, but we want to provide a quick reference guide and some more informational links (below) on the topic.

The bottom line here is that the higher psi you want to carbonate a beverage to and serve it at, the longer your beverage line will need to be to prevent excessive foaming. The chart below assumes liquid at 38°F served via 3/16” ID beverage tubing from keg to tap. Note: beverages served at higher pressures might require a flow control faucet to reduce foaming.

Total running time: approx. 27 minutes plus quizzes and supplemental reading. Once you have purchased this course, you may watch it as many times as you like.

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What's Included:

Chapter 1: Intro & Course Overview

  • Lesson 01: Course Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2: Dual Zone Setup

  • Lesson 01: Using a Double-Body CO2 Regulator
  • Lesson 02: Setting Up Dual Pressure Zones
  • Lesson 03: Balancing Your Home Draft System

Chapter 3: CO2 Distributors

  • Lesson 01: How CO2 Distributors Work
  • Lesson 02: Setting Up a CO2 Distributor
  • Lesson 03: Draft System Setup Examples

Chapter 4: Filling Bottles from Kegs

  • Lesson 01: How to Use a Bottle Filler

Chapter 5: Course Wrap Up and Additional Resources

  • Lesson 01: Course Wrap-Up & Additional Resources
  • Kegging 102: Course Evaluation Survey

Additional information



How To View This Course

  1. Once the course is purchased you will receive an email from Northern Brewer University.
  2. Open the email and click the link to set your password.
  3. Choose your password.
  4. Once your password is set you will be automatically logged-into the Northern Brewer University site and you can begin the course! 

If you misplace your email you can always log into the Northern Brewer Course Page Here.

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Kegging 102: Multiple Keg Draft Setup - Video Course

Kegging 102: Multiple Keg Draft Setup - Video Course

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Based on 1 review
lance c.
Best one yet

Great info