October 23, 2018

The Wookiee & The Ewok

Big and little, tall and short, high-gravity and session, barleywine and pale: a parti-gyle brewday from Brewing TV - Episode 26: Big Beer Brewing.

For two beers, approx. 5 gallons each:

The grist:

- 20 lbs Gambrinus ESB malt
- 1 lb Briess Caramel 60L

The Mash:

- 149 F for 75 min.
- 168 F for 5 min

1st Gyle: The Wookiee
Target OG: 1.090-something (achieved 1.092)

Collect first runnings to pre-boil volume (7 gallons on my system).

- 2.5 oz Summit (pellets) @ 60"
- 2 oz Centennial (homegrown) @ 10"
- 2 oz Centennial (homegrown) @ 0"

2nd Gyle: The Ewok
Target OG: ??? (achieved 1.044, YMMV)

Continue sparging w/ H20 to preboil volume or desired gravity.

- 0.5 oz Summit (pellets) @ 60"
- 2 oz Liberty (homegrown) @ 10"
- 2 oz Liberty (homegrown) @ 0"

- Wyeast 1272 American Ale II, 65F
*** Wookiee gets additional O2 @ 24 hrs. and 1 lb of Ames Farm Minnesota honey @ 48 hrs --------------
Can't parti-gyle an extract brew, but here are single-batch approximations for each beer:

Wookiee (extract): Steep 1 lb. Caramel 60; sub 12 lbs Northern Brewer Gold malt syrup for the Gambrinus ESB base malt. Boil as much volume as you can - kettle and fermentation additions as above.

Ewok (extract): Steep 0.5 lbs Caramel 60, and use 6.3 lbs Northern Brewer Gold malt syrup. Boil additions as above.